SALIENT Kick-Off-Meeting A Success
First SALIENT Consortium Meeting in O Porriño, Spain at the CTAG headquarters.
The first SALIENT Consortium Meeting took place on 20-21 September 2022 at the headquarters of project coordinator CTAG in O Porriño in Galicia, Spain. All Consortium partners were present at the 1.5 day long event.
It presented a unique and great opportunity for all task leaders of upcoming tasks and deliverables to present their workplan and discuss with each other in person. Apart from this, the leadership of both CTAG as administrative coordinator (represented by Mrs. Raquel Ledo, Mrs. Denise García and Mrs. Vanessa Ventosinos Louzao) and the University of Northumbria at Newcastle as scientific coordinator (represented by Mr. Ahmed Elmarakbi and Mr. Mohab Elmarakbi) had the opportunity to inform the Consortium partners of all contractual obligations and organisation.
The first day of the kick-off meeting focused on getting to know each other, and discussing about the most imminent work packages 1 and 2, which deal with technical and performance requirements for new Front End Structures (FES), future crash scenarios involving new types of vehicles with different levels of automation and the first actual structural concept designs, which will be developed along the duration of the project.
Following the presentations, the Consortium partners were invited to join an exclusive guided tour of the CTAG facilities, illustrating the different departments and capabilities of the centre.
The Consortium partners enjoyed a gala dinner in close-by Vigo, hosted by CTAG at a historical venue.
Dr. Ahmed Elmarakbi of the University of Northumbria at Newcastle presenting.
European Commission Project Officer Ancuta-Florica Pasca of CINEA joined the Consortium Meeting on the morning of Day 2.
The second day started with a dedicated session with the project officer of CINEA (European Commission), Mrs. Ancuta-Florica Pasca. The hybrid event allowed all Consortium members to interact with the officer and present their workplans.
Following this interaction, several work package leaders presented some management and planning aspects of their respective work and the Consortium dove deeper into the 3rd work package in particular, which focuses on innovations in materials developments and manufacturing processes.
The meeting was rounded off by two presentations on dissemination, exploitation and communication activities and a joint lunch.
Author: Friederike L. Kühl (Etelätär Innovation)