Second SALIENT General Assembly a Success
The second General Assembly of the SALIENT consortium took place on 08 and 09 March 2023 in La Nucía, Spain. The event was hosted by Communication & Dissemination Manager Etelätär Innovation and united all partners in a hybrid format. During the two day event, the consortium took the opportunity of being together in person to review the work completed in the first 6 months of the project and plan the way ahead.
Scientific Project Coordinator Dr. Prof. Ahmed Elmarakbi (University of Northumbria Upon Tyne) presenting some technical and scientific guidelines.
In order to kick the project activities into second gear, the focus laid on those work activities who have recently begun and who are already building onto the first work performed in the completed extensive but short WP1.
Furthermore, work for all other WPs were presented. Overall, the partners made sure to make the best use of time together in person by taking decisions jointly and engaging in active discussions and conversations to share knowledge and experience across competencies and partners.
The Administrative Project Coordinator CTAG gave a formal introduction to the meeting and reminded all partners of their administrative deadlines and obligations.
Social programme in the evening.
Apart from the meeting agenda, the consoritum also got together on the first evening for a social evening in the old town of close-by Altea, including a social dinner to have an informal exchange of ideas and thoughts.
Overall, the General Assembly was a full success and concluded with the plan to meet again for a third General Assembly, marking 1 year of SALIENT in September 2023 at the CRF facilities in Turin, Italy.
Author: Friederike L. Kühl (Etelätär Innovation)